Just , wondering why did i actually choose this color.. may b i want all our blues to be bleached into pink!
A good gesture to something new and good, I guess!!
Now as things have turned pink, let me add more crimson blush to it. The most memorable, moment of my life. When I had many reasons to b upset, grumpy,angry, frustrated...it felt as if the whole world has turned hostile to me. I sat on a high rock, from where a large skyscape can be experienced (which has become a rare sight due to huge sky scrappers all around us ), it was actually the terrace of the hotel at mount Abu, where we stayed for three days as we there for our excursion (supposed to b educational) just like QSQT. I gazed and gazed at the evening sky and all of a sudden felt as if I was in a bubble, and some one blew it high up on the sky, and am just floating on the will of the wind. Rainbow colours reflected on the transparent walls of my carriage..and i could see from the space, all good creations of nature, the bad couldnt touch me as if i was sitting on a vice resistant jelly! And then I felt so happy and elated that after the trip, I was rated as the happiest soul on the excursion by a teacher and many of my frens. Later many other teachers were also informed about it, (teachers room discussion, i guess)and they congratulated me. Its more than fours years now, but the stories of my happy spirit are still recalled by that teacher and my frens in any gathering. I still have, preserved the testimonials my fren gave me, while returning from the trip.
I have told about the incident behind the happy spirit to a few of my closeones, but they all came up with similar answer, "either i was drunk or in love"! Niether of them actually happened. I was just simply happy!! and that was enuf a reason to be euphoric!...will someday like to go back to that rock , to reveal the incognito of that piece of my life!!
Cant beleive tht after wht u wrote about the reason behind the choice of the colour pink u ve gona ahead and changed it and tht too to blue!!! wht blasphemy...
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