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Sunday, December 14, 2008


Are we all happy playing our roles? Are we really who we want to be? Is my dentist who is successfully running flourishing clinic always wanted to be a dentist? Is the man running a grocery shop in my locality always expressed the same, whenever, in school he was asked to write an essay on “My aim in life”? does the maid that daily comes to my home always wanted to be the same? Does the bus driver who takes me to the desired destination everyday, and the conductor who helps me in the bus and informs me whenever my stop comes, always wanted to serve people that way?

Do we all feel entangled in the web of fulfilling social parameters and expectations of others? Do we really ever come to know the reason why God sent us here? Or we just keep doing our work as if, it is what God has assigned us to do? ? He must have a prior planning unlike we humans. Am sure His planning never gets changed due to the influence of innumerable compromising factors! He must have sent us with a purpose and a work for which He thinks I m the Best! I don’t deny that job/purpose can be a blunder even! May b no one could have done that killings better in CST station at Mumbai then Ajmal Amir Kasab. He needed him there at that job. Can we buy that theory and forgive Ajmal for his best performance? If not then how can we buy the theory for ourselves?

How can we just be happy with whatever work we are doing……just like what our tutor or typical essay books instructed us to write on the Essay: MY AIM IN LIFE?? Do we really forget the timid dream that we cherished whenever that topic allowed us to float on the clouds of our dream and the thought of success and happiness in our lives.
I think we do really forget because we are all social beings. When ever argued that, reply comes, there only a few Bill Gates, M.K. Gandhi, Dhirubhai Ambani, Jamshed ji Tata…. The common man cannot be like them because it involves lots of hardship and the reality is hot and dry which evaporates our clouds of dreams, and they fall down as rain only to allow us to survive.
Do we really have the guts to preserve the clouds and make them real castles, up...up above the sky? Some one said right…“all of us do not need stunning talents, only commonsense and love will do”……I want to add one more thing………STOP ignorimg the inner voice, so much of suppression will make it MUTE!!

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